TwinTurbo.NET: Nissan 300ZX forum - I do have a similar issue I believe
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Subject I do have a similar issue I believe
Posted by komplexZTT on December 12, 2016 at 7:46 PM
  This message has been viewed 430 times.
In Reply To After working on 2 installations of the Rob Z throttle posted by MixManMash on December 12, 2016 at 05:44 PM
Message No issues setting the tps, but I can apply slight enough throttle to start building revs on the engine, but tps voltage doesn't increase, eventually leading the engine to cut out. So is very touchy on light throttle low speed driving. I've gone through two tps, so it's not the issue, I haven't physically measured the dimensions for fit, but do suspect slop in that engagment.

2+2=4; 2+0=2; 4>2 : 2+2 > 2+0.


Can anyone whos removed the headlights just by going
through the turn signal hole, post a pic of their arms? Im
wondering if you have little tiny arms, or if you can
dislocate your wrists?...Im not saying im huge or
because im not - Ebola 23:10:42 01/20/05

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